Fasting Day 04 – Be mindful.

Each day is often best enjoyed slow.

I like today. I really like today. I remember hating Thursdays because in secondary school, it meant double Maths period in the morning. Favour is a big girl now. Hehe.

I’m practicing mindfulness, a concept I picked up from a YouVersion plan about Turning off the noise around you and tuning in to God. As a chronic multitasker, I struggle with doing many things at the same time (I am texting, blogging and listening to music right now) so doing this today is so helpful. I am choosing to focus on just one task per time and really enjoying it, eye on the details.

It feels liberating.

At past 12, Amanda and I are FaceTiming as we work when I suggest we move to Google Meet; it’s hilarious playing around with the green screens. She chooses a jungle background and keeps saying she will be going to hunt the ‘rions’ very soon (sorry if you do not get that joke, I just had to 😂).

‘This is a new one,’ I mutter to myself as I study the story of the Israelites in Jeremiah 42. For a people who have always been led by God, I find it surprising that they got the counsel of God after disobeying and still went ahead to disobey at their second chance. Like prophet Jeremiah accuses them, they were ‘hypocrites in their hearts,’ only seeking God’s counsel because they felt it would correspond with what was already in their hearts.

Pst. Iren is saying something along those very lines in chapter 4 of the book, ‘Leading Seeks You’ and my head ding dongs as I establish the connection. A confirmation. He puts it this way, ‘ There is no point in seeking divine leading if you only want things done your way. Would you be open to hearing God’s voice even if it’s contrary to your plan?’

There is a need for consecration. If we are filled up with our desires, what space is there for God’s? Why do you seek His leading if you will not heed it? You’d be pulling a Rehoboam!


So we must pray, you and I, for a consecration by the Spirit that helps us hear Him and do as He wills. There’s more. Pray:

  1. That He fills you up with His desires
  2. That you are led by His Spirit in all you do
  3. That you are strengthed to always follow; you build strength in Him

This song ministers to my heart during the prayer session. You can sing along if you know it:

I love You, forever
I love You, forever
I lover You, forever more!
So we sing glory in the highest
Glory in the highest
Glory to the Lord, forever!

I’m thinking back to earlier this afternoon when I took a major step I’ve been stalling on, regarding somthing that God put in my heart to do. Remember yesterday I shared with you how Abraham trusted God but played his part still (Romans 4)? Translating to how we should GO AHEAD as long as God has said yes?
I took that step today. To be honest, I can hear the fear in my heart but God’s voice is stronger so I am transferring the burden to Him because this is His to work out. I am not going to be spilling what it is here, at least not today, but I am penning this for posterity.

I will come back here one day and smile at my fear, with victory in my hands.


Can I pray for you? I would love to intercede for you as I continue my fast tomorrow. Whether you read this immediately I publish it, in one month or years from now, God still wants to hear from you. If you would like me to pray for you, simply click here to send in your prayer requests.

You can watch a rebroadcast of today’s prayers here:

God loves you beyond words my friend
He cares deeply for you

Shalom ♥🕊✨

One response to “Fasting Day 04 – Be mindful.”

  1. […] started off so beautifully. Remember the big step I told you I took on Thursday? I take an even bigger one in progression this morning. If you’re on my mailing list, you […]

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